Elisaporquien said, " Okay I know that there are people who began careers in Medicine, Law, etc. then LATER got into the truth. I know that pursuing a higher education is not forbidden but a personal choice. Is there anyone out there, reading this, that grew up in the truth and pursued a career in medicine (and remained in the truth)? What was the experience like (both med school and residency)? I'm not a Jehovah's Witness but my mom and my sister are and I believe in no blood. "
You are now in the company of XJWs. We don't use the Watchtower catch-phrase "the Truthâ„¢" because Watchtower dogma has nothing to do with objective, observabe truth. We don't impugn truth by associating the word with the Watchtower. Call it "the Truth" around your Mom and Sis if you must, but don't expect us to get warm & fuzzy when you use that cult lingo here.
...and if you really are not a JW as you say, WHY o why would you call it "the truth"? Is that just a bad habit you picked up, or do you really believe it is "the truth"? If you do, get thee to a Kingdom Hall!
You say that higher education is a "personal choice." Yeah, if you don't mind being labeled as "spiritually weak" and constantly harrassed from all sides because of your "choice", then yeah, sure it's a "choice" viewed in the same way that your "choice" to use heroin would be.
So, you're not a JW but you believe in "no blood." Are you an Israelite? Are you a member of The Society For Creative Anachronism trying to get a post-diluvian gig going? Do you accept blood fractions in the way JWs do, or are you an absolutist on the issue?